
Mesothelioma Fact - Alarming Truth

by: Kirsten Hawkins

Lately many people have been looking for mesothelioma fact and information. The startling mesothelioma fact is that Mesothelioma Cancer is a rare cancer but every year about 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States and this number has been continuously increasing for the past 20 years. 
Initially mesothelioma was recognized as a tumor of the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium. Later on, the doctors studied the fact linking mesothelioma cancers to asbestos exposure. J.C.Wagner wrote the first on mesothelioma by, and emphasized its linkage to asbestos exposure in about 32 cases of workers in the "Asbestos Hills" in South Africa. 
Thereon the fact about relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos exposure was confirmed in different research studies around the world. Mesothelioma is caused because of asbestos exposure and inhalation of asbestos particles. Asbestos was widely used in industrial and manufacturing processes and building materials. 
Construction materials such as cement, tiles, roofing shingles, pipes, insulating material and many more, contained asbestos materials. The shocking mesothelioma fact is that almost all American buildings constructed before 1970s contain asbestos material that could pose risk for the occupants. 
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has released a fact that, though since 1970s the protections against asbestos exposure have been in place, the mesothelioma would take 30 to 50 years to be noticed. This is because mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos diseases have a high latency rate. The asbestos particles can lie dormant in the human body for 30-50 years before manifesting as mesothelioma cancers. 
Mesothelioma cancers are of two main types. In pleural mesothelioma, the cancer cells are found in the sac lining the chest and the peritoneal mesothelioma is found in the lining of the abdominal cavity. There are rare instances of mesothelioma of the lining of hearts and testicles. Mesothelioma is more prevalent in men than in women. 
Awareness about mesothelioma facts is also helpful in having awareness about symptoms of mesothelioma. This information helps in early detection and timely treatment of disease. Chest pain that is caused by cancer itself or shortness of breath, abdominal pain and swelling, cough, fatigue and unexplained weight loss are some possible symptoms of mesothelioma cancers.

About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit http://www.asbestosblog.org/for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more. 
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Mesothelioma - Catch It Early To Avoid Big Trouble

by: Rick Hendershot
Many people have never heard of Mesothelioma and are unaware of its symptoms. Although considered a rare form of cancer, each year the number of cases grows. With the prevalence of this disease on the rise, it is critical to understand why and how Mesothelioma develops and what courses of action can be taken in the event of diagnosis. The following are some questions and answers that will provide you with information on Mesothelioma. 
**What is Mesothelioma?** 
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. The organs most commonly affected are the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common form of Mesothelioma is Pleural Mesothelioma -- cancer of the lung lining. But cancerous cells are also found in the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) and the lining around the heart (the pericardium). 
**What causes Mesothelioma?** 
Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is often found in building materials used before the mid 1970’s. In addition, materials such as pipes, boiler insulation, floor, ceiling and roof tiles may contain asbestos. It is believed that even insignificant exposure to asbestos in environments such as asbestos mills, mines, shipping yards, some older Navy ships or even in patient's homes can result in mesothelioma. In many cases mesothelioma does not occur for decades after initial exposure to this cancer-causing asbestos. 2000-3000 cases of mesothelioma per year are currently being diagnosed. Family members of workers exposed to asbestos can also contract this disease through exposure to the worker's clothing. Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma. 
**How much asbestos exposure will cause Mesothelioma?** 
Generally, the probability of developing this form of cancer is directly related to the length of time you are exposed to asbestos. The health risk also increases with the intensity of the exposure to asbestos. 
However, an exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. At the age of 48, Canadian Member of Parliament Chuck Strahl, was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and traces the cause back to changing brake pads on logging equipment after he graduated from high school. Strahl's case is a good example of the fact that Mesothelioma has a latency period of anywhere from 20 to 50 years. Like thousands of others he developed the disease long after his exposure to asbestos. 
**What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?** 
esothelioma is a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. 75% of all mesolthelioma cases are Pleural mesothelioma - cancer of the lung lining. This type of cancer causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mistaken for allergies or a common cold. 
Mesothelioma is often discovered by accident when patients are being examined for these common symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma may include: chest pain, shortness of breath, chronic coughing that worsens over time, fatigue, wheezing, lung infection, hoarseness, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, chest or abdominal pain or blood in the phlegm from the lungs when coughing 
Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines and can be just as dangerous and deadly. Symptoms of Peritoneal mesothelioma include: pain or swelling in the abdomen, weight loss, bowel obstruction (blockage in the large or small intestines), anemia (reduced number of red blood cells) , and fever. 
The onset of Mesothelioma is usually quite slow. Patients will begin to experience symptoms such as lower back pain and chest pain. Unfortunately, once Mesothelioma develops, it quickly becomes aggressive and treatment must be sought immediately. 
**Can Mesothelioma be treated?** 
Unfortunately, by the time most infected people become aware they have mesothelioma it has ceased being dormant and becomes extremely aggressive. Once it is no longer dormant, this type of cancer can travel quickly, and this makes it almost impossible to stop. 
While there are treatments that are available in order to keep the patient comfortable, there is currently no cure for Mesothelioma, and as many as 75% of those who develop the disease will lose their life within one year. The remainder may last for up to an additional six months. Among the treatments that are used in order to reduce the effects of the disease are oxygen, postural drainage and pain killers. 
A wide range of treatment approaches are being tested, ranging from attempts to fortify the body's natural immune system to gene therapy which tries to attack the problem at the DNA level to homeopathy, herbs and acupuncture. But none have yet been shown to be very effective once the disease reaches the aggressive stage. 
Given the generally poor prognosis for people who do not catch the disease in time, early detection is the best defence against Mesothelioma. If you have worked in an industry such as construction or suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, be alert for symptoms and contact your doctor immediately. Like all forms of cancer, detecting Mesothelioma at the earliest stage possible greatly increases your chances for survival. 
About the author:
For more information about the early detection of Mesothelioma visit http://www.mesotheliomaadvisors.com==> Rick Hendershot is a writer and publisher of Linknet Promo Articles at http://www.linknet-promotions.com/promo-articles.phpand Power Listings at http://www.linknet-promotions.com/power-listings.php

Mesothelioma Cancer: Early Warning Signs and Causes

by: Craig Whitley

Abstract: Malignant mesothelioma is a devasting, rare and deadly form of cancer, caused by exposure to asbestos. If you've lived under working conditions that exposed you to asbestos, or had a household member that worked near or with asbestos, you should bring this to the attention of a medical doctor and seek free legal counsel. 
What is Mesothelioma?
Chances are you may never have heard of mesothelioma cancer unless you or a relative have the disease. Still considered as a rare cancer, it has been popularized by its linkage to asbestos. 
Exactly what is mesothelioma cancer or malignant mesothelioma? Malignant mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the mesothelium, or lining of the lung and chest cavity. However, it sometimes can be a deadly cancer of the peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen). It is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos, and is slow forming – often taking between 20-50 years to develop after exposure to asbestos. 
Malignant Mesothelioma Symptoms
Symptoms of malignant mesothelioma in the lung and chest cavity are as follows:
- Shortness of breath
- Cough
- Weight Loss
- Chest Pain 
Symptoms of malignant mesothelioma in the abdomen are as follows:
- Abdominal swelling and pain
- Weight Loss 
Wondering How You Could Have Gotten Mesothelioma Cancer?
Several diseases are associated with exposure to asbestos. They include: malignant mesothelioma, asbestosis, pleural effusion, pleural plaques and thickening, and lung cancer. 
Prior to 1975 asbestos fibers were commonly used. You could have been exposed to asbestos while working at any number of different industries. Chief among the possibilities would be jobs at asbestos mining and milling plants, shipyards, fireproofing and heating, construction, automotive repair, insulation, pipefitting and boilermaking. 
If you did not work in one of these industries or another that used asbestos, it is also possible that you could have been exposed if someone in your household worked with asbestos and carried asbestos fibers home on his or her clothing, hair or body. You may also have been exposed indirectly by living near asbestos mines. 
Although it is true that most patients with malignant mesothelioma, lung cancer or other asbestos-related diseases likely had prolonged exposure to asbestos over a long period of time, it is also possible for one to develop one of these diseases from a brief exposure to asbestos. 
The odds of developing lung cancer from smoking also increases significantly from exposure to asbestos. Although most people with lung cancer are told that their lung cancer was caused from smoking, if you or someone you know has lung cancer and also worked in an environment that gave you exposure to asbestos, it is highly recommended that you contact an attorney that specializes in handling mesothelioma and lung cancer cases caused by exposure to asbestos. The justice system has been very generous in its rewards to people who suffer diseases caused by asbestos exposure.

To learn more about mesothelioma cancer I recommend you visit http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-online.com (Mesothelioma Cancer Online). when searching for web resources covering mesothelioma cancer. Mesothelioma-Cancer-Online.com is an excellent resource center that offers recommendations and directory listings for numerous websites related to mesothelioma cancer, along with articles and books about mesothelioma cancer. 
About the Author:
Craig Whitley is a widely-published author, publisher of numerous e-books and articles about a wide variety of subjects, and owner of the popular search engine Seek Dolphin. He routinely scouts the Internet for excellent online resources like Mesothelioma Cancer Online when writing articles about mesothelioma cancer and other health-related subjects. Feel free to publish this article on your website, provided you include this author’s resource box and leave all article content unchanged and intact, keeping all urls addresses hyperlinked. 

Mesothelioma Cancer

by: Rob Mellor

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer in the general population. However, in individuals that were exposed to asbestos, it is not as rare. There are experts that have speculated on other causes. There are incidences of Mesothelioma with no known asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is not a lung cancer. Smoking does not cause it. It is a cancer of the mesothelial cells. 
Causes of Mesothelioma
The only known, established cause of Mesothelioma is asbestos. The asbestos fibers are breathed in, travel through the lung and become lodged in the pleura, the thin, saran wrap-type membrane that lines that encases the lung. The pleura, produces a special lubricating fluid that facilitates the ability of the lungs to move inside the chest during breathing. The process of irritation from the infiltration of the asbestos fibers creates changes in the cells, which causes the Mesothelioma. This is known as pleural Mesothelioma. Less common is peritoneal Mesothelioma, which is a cancer of the membrane that encompasses the lining of the abdomen. 
Symptoms of Mesothelioma
An individual with Mesothelioma experiences chest pain usually caused by a build-up of fluid in the pleural space called an effusion and shortness of breath. Since many doctors may not have expertise in the area of asbestos-related diseases, these symptoms are often believed, at first, to be attributable to other medical problems. A biopsy of the pleural tissue or fluid may reveal the cancer of the mesothelial cells and a proper diagnosis can thus be established. A history of the individual’s occupational exposure shall be taken. Since there is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos, even brief, low level exposures may be enough to cause Mesothelioma. 
Occurrence of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer and its incidence is actually increasing day by day. There is presently no known cure for Mesothelioma. As the disease progresses, the cancerous cells harden the pleura and spread. As time passes, breathing, sleeping and eating become more difficult and eventually it becomes increasingly more challenging for the victim to engage in normal activities and enjoy life. 
Treatments of Mesothelioma
A number of treatments have been established to help contain the spread of the disease and reduce the pain associated with it. Chemotherapy, radiation and radical surgery to remove the lung and pleura are among the options that have been explored by the treating physician. 
Prevention is better than Cure
Mesothelioma is a preventable disease. Many of the corporations that manufacture and make profit from the sale of asbestos-containing products are aware of the hazards of asbestos. Alternative fibers are available that could be used instead of asbestos. But asbestos is cheap, and available, and is a good filler and binder. 
To Sum up
The varied and non-specific symptoms associated with Mesothelioma, can delay detection and diagnosis The cancer has a very long latency period, which means that it could be thirty years or more before the person even realizes that they have contracted the cancer .The onset of symptoms can take up to fifty years or more in some cases, but once the symptoms have manifested the lifespan of the person can be as short as several months. So, if you or a loved one is experiencing any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor right away. Make sure that your physician is aware of any previous asbestos exposure, and occupational risk factors. 
About the author:
Rob Mellor owns the free to use www.mesotheliomasupportonline.comwebsite helping people find out more about mesothelioma. Please visit the site for more information on mesothelioma cancer
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Mesothelioma - An Introduction

by: Rob Mellor
What is Mesothelium?
To understand Mesothelioma let us first understand what mesothelium is. The mesothelium is a membrane that covers & protects most of the internal organs of the body, the mesothelium is composed of two layers of cells, one layer immediately surrounds the organ the other forms a sac like covering around it. The mesothelium membrane produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs such as the beating heart and lungs to slide easily against adjacent structures. 
The mesothelium is called by different names, depending on where it is located in the body. For e.g. the peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The pericardium covers and protects the heart. The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. The tunica serosa uteri covers the internal reproductive organs in women. 
What is Mesothelioma?
Now the next question that arises is what is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma or the cancer of the mesothelium is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancerous cells can also spread called metastasizing from their original place to other parts of the body. Most cases of Mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum, i.e. the lining surrounding the chest and the lungs.
In malignant Mesothelioma, which is a rare form of cancer, the cancerous or malignant cells are found in the sac lining the chest (the pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (the pericardium). 
How do you get Mesothelioma?
The single largest cause of Mesothelioma is working with asbestos; it is a major risk factor for Mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, there have been cases where Mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos. Most people with malignant Mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed asbestos. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a household environment, often without their knowledge. 
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to Mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a non cancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney. 
The risk of asbestos-related disease increases with heavier exposure to asbestos and longer exposure time. There is some evidence that family members and others living with asbestos workers have an increased risk of developing Mesothelioma, and possibly other asbestos-related diseases. This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of asbestos workers. 
About the author:
Rob Mellor owns the free to use www.mesotheliomasupportonline.comwebsite helping people find out more about mesothelioma . Please visit the site for more information on mesothelioma symptoms 


Mesothelioma And Asbestos - The Killer Connection

by: Kirsten Hawkins
Mesothelioma and asbestos are so much linked that many people call it by the name of mesothelioma asbestos. While mesothelioma is a serious cancer, asbestos is its main cause. While one may approve of things that remain of use for a long time, their effect on the surroundings decides the worthiness of that product in the end. 
The same holds true with asbestos. The 1940s and 1950s saw a surge of ‘asbestos’ as the next best thing to happen after cement in the construction industry. Due to it’s high degree of stability and resistance to very high temperatures, asbestos was applied greatly in insulators and ceiling tiles in homes, schools and factories. 
However, this product is a harmful contaminant. Asbestos has the tendency to break into small particles and remain suspended in the air for longer durations. Any individual that comes in contact or inhales it becomes vulnerable to serious diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or the mesothelioma lung cancers.

Types of Mesothelioma:
Mesothelioma, asbestos related cancer, acquires it’s name from the mesothelium cells that are responsible for protecting and enabling easy movement of our vital organs such as lungs, heart and the abdomen in the body. Mesothelioma is generally of three types, pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma. 
If a person is suffering from hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, loss in weight, coughing, blood in sputum, chest pain, weak muscles, reduced tactile sensitivity, he may be suffering from Pleural mesothelioma or the cancer of lining of the lungs. This is the most common type of mesothelioma and almost two-thirds of the mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. 
The Peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the abdomen causes impaired bowel motion, bloating, swelling in feet, and nausea. This is less common among mesothelioma patients and it affects one-third of the mesothelioma patients. Pericardial mesothelioma is of the cancer of lining of the heart. It is also caused because of asbestos exposure. However, its prevalence is rare. Pericardial mesothelioma manifests in the form of chest pain, palpitations, cough and dyspnea. 
Lawsuits Related to Mesothelioma and Asbestos:
The hazardous consequences of long term contact with asbestos and its linkage to mesothelioma cancers has led to several lawsuits against its manufacturers. The mesothelioma or asbestos attorneys claim that the asbestos manufacturers were aware of the harmful affects of asbestos exposure and yet persisted with its use for profit motives. This is the reason why juries have ordered stringent awards in many mesothelioma and asbestos related lawsuits. 
About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit http://www.asbestosblog.org/for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.

Mesothelioma: A Deadly Lung Cancer

by: Kirsten Hawkins
Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer of the lungs and the abdominal cavities. Unlike other diseases, the cause of mesothelioma is not natural. In most of the cases, it is a cancer of lungs inflicted on the human beings by the modern economic factors, which are also credited to bring prosperity to the corporate world. 
The disease has left many dead and many more fighting for the failing health. The common symptoms related to the disease are breathlessness, dry cough and pain in the respiratory tracts followed by vomiting. The prime Cause of mesothelioma is the exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos is a natural fibrous material that was widely used in various industries and building materials because of its stability and heat resistant properties. 
However, asbestos is also a deadly contaminant and responsible for serious diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma cancers and lung cancer. Most of the diseases are caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers that could settle in the internal body organs and cause serious diseases. Mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases can lie dormant in the body for decades before diagnosis. The worst part is that after diagnosis the patient has hardly any left for fighting these diseases. 
Asbestos has extensively been mined in South Africa and exported to UK & US factories for reprocessing. For many years, the industrialists enjoyed the benefits of asbestos as a cheap substitute to wood in Building Material Industry and an integral part of Brake Lining material used extensively in vehicles during the World Wars. Asbestos was also widely used as an Insulation material in the buildings and industries in the US and Europe. 
The victims of mesothelioma can file lawsuits for seeking compensation against the companies responsible for asbestos exposure. They can seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, lost earning capacity, pain and sufferings. 
The family members and relatives of the people who die because of mesothelioma cancers can also file lawsuits for compensation to recover the loss of consortium care. A dozen of companies who made an exit from the business decades ago are still fighting the huge compensation bills pending against them for causing a major biological disorder. The courts have ordered huge amounts as compensation in most of the mesothelioma lawsuits.

About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit http://www.asbestosblog.org/for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.  
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Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

by: Lynn Roodbol
There are so many jokes about mammograms! Have you heard the one about the fridge door …or the bookends …or the garage floor? Thanks to all the jokes, “Mammogram” has become a household word, and it’s not that I don’t have a sense of humor, but as a mammography technologist, I’ve heard the jokes many times. 
I think the jokes are embarrassing for women and demeaning with regard to their physical bodies. Many women say, “If men had to do this, there would be a better solution” - this may or may not be true. Most people agree that mammograms are not perfect, but until there is a better solution, I think it’s time to look at mammograms in a different light.
In May of 1985 and 1986 I asked my doctor to order a mammogram for me and he refused both times saying I was too young. There were no screening mammography centers to which I could refer myself, so that was that. In December of 1986 at the age of 42 I felt a lump in my breast and had a mammogram the same day. It turned out to be Stage II breast cancer with 4 positive lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy and chemotherapy but chose not to have radiation. I obviously wasn’t too young to have cancer.
In May 1985 a mammogram cost less than $60.00 and would have resulted in my having minor surgery to deal with a small lump. Delaying the diagnosis until December 1986 raised the cost of the medical care I received both in dollars and the amount of human suffering we faced. I say “we” because a diagnosis of cancer affects the family, friends and community of the person with the disease. A timely mammogram would have saved us all a lot of grief. 
The common perception is that having a mammogram is a negative experience; I think this is a bad rap. Mammograms are quick and easy breast X-Rays; which usually means two views of each breast – one from the top and one from the side. They are performed by friendly, knowledgeable technologists who do their best to help women feel at ease. The technologists’ goal is to get the best films possible and also to make the experience as quick and painless as possible. 
When people go for a mammogram the most important thing to know is that relaxation of the upper body is the key to a positive experience. I know it’s hard to relax when you’re apprehensive, but this is why I believe we need to lessen the public apprehension of this test. It is easy to relax by taking some deep breaths before you have the test. 
By relaxing your muscles you will be much more comfortable through the test than if you are tense. An added bonus is that the films will be of higher quality, as it is easier to image the back of the breast close to the chest wall if the pectoralis muscles are relaxed. When it’s done, you may hear yourself saying, “That wasn’t bad at all!”
Some women are embarrassed to have a mammogram because they don’t want anyone other than their partner to see and touch their breasts. The mammogram jokes add to their fear of pain and embarrassment making it harder for them to manage, and I know of some women who avoid having a mammogram for this reason. The test is done in privacy; no one but a female technologist will be present. Technologists, for the most part, are sensitive people who will do the test as quickly and professionally as they can. Many women who have resisted the test for a long time are amazed at how simple and painless it can be.
Mammograms include compression of the breast with a plastic plate to produce a high quality image with the least amount of radiation. Breast compression is meant to be tight, but it should not be painful and it only lasts for a few seconds. If you think about looking at a bunch of grapes – it’s hard to see them all from one spot. If you spread the grapes out, you can see more grapes. 
Similarly with the use of compression, more breast tissue is visible when the breast is spread out. With a flatter, thinner layer of tissue the amount of radiation required is less than if the breast is not compressed. The amount of radiation you get is as low as can be achieved if adequate compression is used, and also if good quality control is maintained at the mammogram facility.
In the U.S.A. the cost of a mammogram runs between $50 and $150.00. There is financial help available from insurance companies, state and local programs, and from some employers. Please do not let the cost deter you from having a mammogram as the cost of not having a mammogram can be much higher both financially and emotionally. Check for information on the internet.
In most places in Canada, women can book their own appointment for a free screening mammogram; a doctor’s referral is not required. In places without a screening program, mammography is available with a doctor’s referral and is covered by health insurance. 
Approximately 7% of women will be asked to have further testing. Most of the time, follow up testing involves an additional mammogram with a different view to separate the breast tissue in a particular area to get a better image. In my analogy of the bunch of grapes, it’s like having a few grapes on top of each other and separating them out in a different way in order to see them better.

There is controversy about the age bracket for women to have a mammogram. On a mammogram film, normal breast tissue in young women usually appears to be dense; normal breast tissue in older women usually turns to fat and appears less dense. 
Reading mammograms on young women is like looking through a tree which is full of leaves in summer. Reading mammograms on older women can be compared to looking through a tree in winter. You can see why reading mammograms on young women is more complex than reading films on older women and this is the main reason why screening mammography is more effective as women mature.
The fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer will often prevent a woman from having a mammogram. My personal experience is that it is much better to be diagnosed earlier rather than when the cancer has had chance to spread. 
The amount of fear, pain, embarrassment, and emotional anguish from having a mammogram does not even come close to that of being diagnosed with an advanced cancer. A mammogram takes about 10 minutes; an early cancer can be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, while an advanced cancer is much more of a time commitment. The amount of fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis is astronomical compared to that of a screening mammogram.
It is often recommended that women have a screening mammogram every two years, but many people believe it is better to have mammograms on an annual basis. It is probably best if women can consult their doctors and make the decision on an individual basis. A number of factors affect the decision such as age, family history, general health, and previous breast problems. 
Between appointments, whether you choose to have a mammogram every year or every two years, it is important to be aware of any breast problems. If you notice anything unusual it is wise to contact your doctor. This applies even if your mammogram was negative because there are a certain percentage of cancers that do not show on a mammogram.
The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation promotes a three-prong approach to breast health:
• annual clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional
• screening mammogram
• monthly breast self exam
Breast self-exam can be a controversial issue. Many people do not recommend monthly self-exams, yet many women have found their own breast cancers this way. The important thing to remember is if you choose to do self exam, to do it right:
• learn the proper method from a doctor or trained health professional
• be disciplined and practice it regularly
• pick the same time of your menstrual cycle or the same date each month
• get to know your normal breast “architecture”
• make notes of your findings, draw pictures and record dates
• make detailed notes of unusual findings including dates
• check with your doctor if you find anything worrisome
Following these steps will give you confidence and put you in charge of your breast health. Some health professionals are concerned that women will be unnecessarily alarmed if they find a problem with their breasts. I believe that an educated approach to breast care will reduce the fear that many women live with, and they can consult their doctors in a more rational manner. Most breast lumps are benign, but early detection of breast cancer is worth the extra cost of investigating lumps and other unusual findings. 
Mammography is a peculiar test in some ways. However, it is the gold standard at present and until there is a better method of screening which is also cost effective it makes good sense to have regular mammograms. Finding cancer in the early stages before it has a chance to spread makes the treatment much easier and the cure rate much higher. Having a mammogram is not meant to be funny, or even fun; but a few minutes of discomfort rewards us with knowing we are taking action to help protect our breast health.
About the author:
http://www.cancersupportcoach.com Lynnwas diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 1986 and colon and skin cancer in 1987. She has been involved in the cancer community since then as a peer counselor, support group facilitator, fundraiser and retreat organizer. She works as a mammography technologist in Guelph Ontario. Lynn is also a life coach for cancer patients to help them shorten the learning curve and navigate their journey with cancer.
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Male Breast Cancer - what you should know about!

by: Fritz Frei
Have you know, that the breast cancer can also catch the man? Yes - it's really true!
Have a look on the last news! 
The special Risk Factors for Male Breast Cancer
- Only approximately 1-1.5% of all breast cancer cases occur in men.
- Several risk factors have been identified that make some men more likely to develop breast cancer than others. 
These risk factors include:
The Age: The average age of men diagnosed with breast cancer is between 60 and 70 years old. 
The history of the family:
- 20% of men with breast cancer have close female relatives who have (or have had) breast cancer. 
The Radiation exposure:
- Prior exposure to radiation (usually for treatment of a cancer) is a risk factor for male breast cancer. 
The Liver disease:
- If the liver is normal function, she helps with hormone metabolism by binding proteins that carry hormones in the blood. If the Man's has liver diseases such as cirrhosis, they tend to have lower levels of androgens (male hormones) and on the other hand a higher estrogens levels (female hormones).This reality puts them at an increased risk of developing gynecomastia (non-cancerous tissue growth) and breast cancer. 
Symptoms Male Breast Abnormalities
- The most male breast changes are due to benign (non-cancerous) abnormalities, such as gynecomastia (non-cancerous tissue growth)
- So, the men should report any persistent breast changes to their physicians for clinical evaluation.
-The Symptoms of male breast cancer may include:
-a breast lump,
-skin dimpling or puckering,
-nipple retraction (the nipple turns inward),
-redness or scaling of the nipple or breast skin,
-and nipple discharge http://imaginis.com/breasthealth/nipple.asp. 
How to treating Male Breast Cancer
This will be depending on the type and stage http://imaginis.com/breasthealth/staging.asp of breast cancer. 
The following treatment will most likely be used:
Surgery - Radiation therapy - Chemotherapy - Hormone therapy 
About the Survival Rates for Male Breast Cancer 
Today, the survival rates are similar the women cancer, when the treatment of the tumour begins at the same stage. 
Anyway, the male breast cancer tends to be diagnosed in later stages than female breast cancer.
The following chart is an approximate survival rate for each stage of breast cancer. The percentages are only averages. The chances of survival will differ for each man depending on his own medical situation and several other factors, including new treatment options, how he responds to treatment, etc. 
STAGE 1 TUMOR SIZE less than 2 cm No Lymph Node 5year Survivalrate 100 %
STAGE 2 TUMOR SIZE Between 2-5 cm No Lymph Node 5year Survivalrate 95 %
STAGE 3 TUMOR SIZE More than 5 cm No Lymph Node 5year Survivalrate 84 %
Stage 4 TUMOR SIZE not applicable YES Survivalrate 52 % 
All about the Planning Treatment and the Research
More about this you get it on http://imaginis.com/breasthealth/staging.asp#what 
Additional Resources and References
·The American Cancer Society provides information on male breast cancer at http://www.cancer.org/ 
·The National Cancer Institute provides information on male breast cancer at http://www.cancer.gov/ 
·The University of Pennsylvania's Oncolink document, "NCI/PDQ Physician Statement: Male Breast Cancer," is available at http://cancer.med.upenn.edu/ 
About the author:
Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Breast-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the http://www.cancer-info.info
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